Biografia de Glenn Ford
Dados Pessoais
Nome: Gwyllyn Samuel Newton Ford
Nascimento e local: 01/05/1916, Quebec, CAN
Morte: 30/08/2006, Beverly Hills, EUA, AVC
Ocupação: ator
Nacionalidade: americana
Casamentos: Jeanne Baus, Cynthia Hayward, e Eleanor Powell
Filho: Peter Ford
Glenn Ford nasceu em Québec em maio de 1916. Por volta de 1935 entrou para uma companhia de teatro. Depois de vários testes frustrados, conseguiu entrar para a FOX, estreando em “Heaven With a Barbed Wire Fence” (1939). Seguiram-se alguns filmes tipo B e ele finalmente começou a se firmar em faroestes e noirs.

Depois de servir a Marinha americana, faria um filme pelo qual ficaria marcado: “Gilda”, em 1946, com Rita Hayworth. Seguiram-se sucessos variados, indo de westerns, dramas e comédias e que o tornaram cada vez mais popular. Em 1955, já na MGM, entraria na lista dos 10 atores de maior bilheteria.
Na década de 60 continuou trabalhando, mas seu sucesso de bilheteria já não era o mesmo. Fez a série de tv “Sam Cade”, onde conquistou o prêmio Logie, e seguia fazendo alguns filmes, dentre eles “Superman”, de 1978, onde fazia o pai adotivo do homem de aço. O ator foi casado quatro vezes. A primeira com a atriz Eleanor Powell (que abandonou a carreira para se dedicar ao filho de ambos), Kathryn Hays, Cynthia Hayward e Jeanne Baus.

Seus últimos anos de vida foram tranquilos, em um rancho. Faleceu em agosto de 2006, de complicações causadas por um AVC.
1. Our Hollywood Education (1992) as Himself.
2. Raw Nerve (1991) as Captain Gavin.
3. Final Verdict (1991) as Reverend Lowell Rogers.
4. Border Shootout (1990) as Sheriff Danahar.
5. Casablanca Express (1990)
6. William Holden: The Golden Boy (1989)
7. Day of the Assasins (1981)
8. Virus (1980) as Richardson.
9. Happy Birthday to Me (1980) as Dr Faraday.
10. Gift, The (1979) as Billy Devlin.
11. Beggarman, Thief (1979) as David Donnelly.
12. The Visitor (1979) as Detective.
13. Superman:The Movie (1978) as Jonathan “Pa” Kent.
14. 3000 Mile Chase, The (1977) as Leonard Staveck; Paul Dvorak.
15. Midway (1976) as Rear Admiral Raymond A Spruance.
16. Punch and Jody (1974) as Peter “Punch” Travers.
17. Greatest Gift, The (1974) as Reverend Holvak.
18. Disappearance Of Flight 412 (1974) as Colonel Pete Moore.
19. Jarrett (1973) as Sam Jarrett.
20. Santee (1973) as Santee.
21. Heaven With a Gun (1969) as Jim Killian .
22. Smith! (1969) as Smith .
23. Day of the Evil Gun (1968) as Lorn Warfield .
24. The Last Challenge (1967) as Marshal Dan Blaine .
25. A Time for Killing (1967) as Major Charles Wolcott .
26. Is Paris Burning? (1966) as Gen. Omar Bradley .
27. Rage (1966) as Reuben .
28. The Money Trap (1966) as Joe Baron .
29. The Rounders (1965) as Ben Jones .
30. Fate Is the Hunter (1964) as Sam McBane .
31. Dear Heart (1964) as Harry Mork .
32. Advance to the Rear (1964) as Capt. Jared Heath .
33. Love Is a Ball (1963) as John Davis .
34. The Courtship of Eddie’s Father (1963) as Tom Corbett .
35. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1962) as Julio Desnoyers .
36. Experiment in Terror (1962) as John Ripley .
37. Pocketful of Miracles (1961) as Dave the Dude .
38. Cry for Happy (1961) as Andy Cyphers .
39. The Gazebo (1960) as Elliot Nash .
40. Cimarron (1960) as Yancey Cravat .
41. It Started with a Kiss (1959) as Sgt. Joe Fitzpatrick .
42. Cowboy (1958) as Tom Reece .
43. Imitation General (1958) as M/Sgt. Murphy Savage .
44. The Sheepman (1958) as Jason Sweet .
45. Torpedo Run (1958) as Lt. Cmdr. Barney Doyle .
46. 3:10 to Yuma (1957) as Ben Wade .
47. Don’t Go Near the Water (1957) as Lt. Max Siegel .
48. The Teahouse of the August Moon (1956) as Capt. Fisby .
49. Jubal (1956) as Jubal Troop .
50. Ransom! (1956) as David G. Stannard .
51. The Fastest Gun Alive (1956) as George Temple .
52. The Violent Men (1955) as John Parrish .
53. The Americano (1955) as Sam Dent .
54. Blackboard Jungle (1955) as Richard Dadier .
55. Trial (1955) as David [Blake] .
56. Interrupted Melody (1955) as Dr. Thomas King .
57. Human Desire (1954) as Jeff Warren .
58. City Story (1954) as Narrated by .
59. The Big Heat (1953) as Dave Bannion .
60. The Man from the Alamo (1953) as John Stroud .
61. Appointment in Honduras (1953) as Jim Corbett .
62. Plunder of the Sun (1953) as Al Colby .
63. Terror on a Train (1953) as Peter Lyncort .
64. Affair in Trinidad (1952) as Steve Emery .
65. Young Man With Ideas (1952) as Maxwell Webster .
66. The Green Glove (1952) as Michael Blake .
67. The Flying Missile (1951) as Commander William A. Talbot .
68. Follow the Sun (1951) as Ben Hogan .
69. The Secret of Convict Lake (1951) as James Canfield .
70. The Redhead and the Cowboy (1951) as Gil Kyle .
71. The White Tower (1950) as Martin Ordway .
72. Convicted (1950) as Joe Hufford .
73. The Doctor and the Girl (1949) as Dr. Michael Corday .
74. The Undercover Man (1949) as Frank Warren .
75. Lust for Gold (1949) as Jacob Walz .
76. Mr. Soft Touch (1949) as Joe Miracle .
77. The Loves of Carmen (1948) as Don Jose Mizarabengoa .
78. The Man from Colorado (1948) as Colonel Owen Devereaux .
79. The Return of October (1948) as Professor Bentley Bassett, Jr. .
80. The Mating of Millie (1948) as Doug Andrews .
81. Framed (1947) as Michael Lambert .
82. Gallant Journey (1946) as John Joseph Montgomery .
83. A Stolen Life (1946) as Bill Emerson .
84. Gilda (1946) as Johnny Farrell .
85. Destroyer (1943) as Mickey Donohue .
86. Hollywood in Uniform (1943)
87. The Desperadoes (1943) as Cheyenne Rogers [also known as Bill Smith] .
88. Flight Lieutenant (1942) as Danny Doyle, also known as Danny White .
89. The Adventures of Martin Eden (1942) as Martin Eden .
90. Texas (1941) as Tod Ramsey .
91. Go West, Young Lady (1941) as Tex Miller .
92. So Ends Our Night (1941) as Ludwig Kern .
93. Convicted Woman (1940) as Jim Brent .
94. Blondie Plays Cupid (1940) as Charlie .
95. The Lady in Question (1940) as Pierre Morestan .
96. Babies for Sale (1940) as Steve Burton .
97. Men Without Souls (1940) as Johnny Adams .
98. My Son Is Guilty (1939) as Barney .
99. Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence (1939) as Joe [Riley] .
100. Pocketful of Miracles (1961) as Associate Producer.
101. All-Star Salute to Our Troops, The (1991)
102. World War II: A Personal Journey (1991) as Host.
103. Rita Hayworth: Dancing Into the Dream (1991)
104. 12th Annual Circus of the Stars, The (1987)
105. My Town (1986) as Amos.
106. Sinatra — The First 40 Years (1980)
107. When the West Was Fun: a Western Reunion (1979) as Host.
108. Glenn Ford’s Summertime, U.S.A. (1973) as Host.
109. Rowan and Martin Special, The (1973)
110. Howdy (1970)
111. America (1970) as Host.
112. Louis L’Amour’s The Sacketts (1979) as Tom Sunday.
113. Evening in Byzantium (1978) as Jess Craig.
114. Operation Teahouse (1956)
115. Have Faith in Our Children (1955)
116. Screen Actors (1950)